Cannabis and Pets: Potential benefits of a cannabis regiment for your furry friends

Füss & Friends • September 28, 2021

Cannabis and Pets: Potential benefits of a cannabis regiment for your furry friends

When formulating Füss & Friends daily wellness tincture, hundreds of hours of research was spent. We became a proud corporate partner of the Veterinary Cannabis Society.

Just like humans, animals also have an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is part of the body’s nervous system. It manages a large range of bodily processes including regulating basic functions such as sleep and appetite. 

The potential benefits of cannabis for our furry friends range from reduced stress and anxiety to managing seizures, allergies and pain. Just like humans, animals are not immune to experiencing stress and anxiety. Factors such as separation from the owner, loud noises (fireworks, vacuums, thunder), phobias, and even traveling in a vehicle may trigger these feelings in your pet. CBD has been shown to induce calmness and relaxation without getting your pet ‘high,’ so this can be a helpful solution during times of unease.     

Prescribed medication is often used for managing seizures and epilepsy in animals, but it can be harmful to other organs with prolonged use. An alternative to consider and talk with your veterinarian about is a high CBD product, which may help control your pet’s seizures without putting them at risk of experiencing adverse side effects such as confusion, lethargy, liver damage, and dizziness, among others. Always speak with a medical professional prior to beginning a supplement regimen or making changes to a current medication. While CBD is not a proven cure or treatment for diseases, its anti-inflammatory and anti-convulsant properties may help reduce the occurrence and duration of seizures.  

Other potential benefits of a cannabis regiment are anti-inflammatory; such as hypersensitivity and dermatitis, reduction in pain, immune system support, and cardiovascular system support. Pets who are advanced in age, specific breeds or have underlying medical conditions, are those that tend to suffer from pain and inflammation. According to a study by the Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, University of London, England, it’s suggested that cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can help manage chronic pain and inflammations. Thus, arthritis, nerve-related pains, and other inflammations may be managed with high CBD products. Cannabis may help wounds heal faster. Animals are also vulnerable to wounds, and it's critical to treat them early to help prevent infection. CBD's anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties may aid in accelerating the healing process of cuts and bruises by decreasing inflammation. 

Elderly pets are more prone to suffering neurodegenerative diseases because of their age. Older dogs in particular may experience degenerative myelopathy, along with other spine or nerve diseases. To protect your pet’s brain from toxins, you may consider using CBD as it is shown to help reduce neuroinflammation, DNA damage, and autoimmune prevention.

Further research is still necessary to accurately determine cannabis’s impact in fighting cancer, but from some promising findings, CBD can help aid with symptoms experienced by those undergoing cancer treatments. Symptoms like nausea and vomiting may be reduced with the help of CBD, thus managing the side effects of cancer treatments and therapies. There have also been claims that CBD may also help in stopping cancer cells from growing, resulting in faster cell tumor death with the aid of the body’s immune system. However, further research is needed to prove this. 

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